There's a classic War on Terror protest song called "If you're happy and you know it, bomb Iraq." I've written a version of it for the Obama era:
If it's the realistic choice, bomb Iraq
If the center is the best place, bomb Iraq
If the system is firmly in place,
And it's too much for you to face,
There's just one sensible solution: bomb Iraq
If your corporate sponsors would prefer it, bomb Iraq
If your supporters would rather ignore it, bomb Iraq
Because while Bush and Cheney were despicable,
Democrats like you are incorruptible,
So as long as you believe that, you should bomb Iraq
If the defense contractors enjoy it, bomb Iraq
If the Republicans aren't annoyed with it, bomb Iraq
For the good of Lockheed Martin,
As well as Oshkosh and Raethon,
Some weapons need a makin', so bomb Iraq
If Hillary thinks it's good for business, bomb Iraq
If you think Bernie's view is ridiculous, bomb Iraq
If what you said in 2008
Doesn't match up with the events of late,
They have no reason to object, so bomb Iraq
If ISIS is supposed to be a direct threat, bomb Iraq
If a coalition is supposed to be a bad bet, bomb Iraq
Though the enemies we have now
Are here because we did the same thing the last time around,
Surely it can't happen again in ten years, so bomb Iraq
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